Gobbo Dance Showdown
Current status: Level incomplete but hope you enjoy what I'm trying to cook!
Photosensitive seizure warning!
I used a trippy background, please mindful!
A lowly goblin challenged you, an even lowlier knight, to a dance battle. Will you succeed on the hardest of deeds... Or will you be defeated due to misdirection?
Use left and right arrow keys to DANCE!
Trijam 272 (Bidirectional) Submission!
Perpetua Peralta - Game Design, Pixel Art (Except background), Programming
Asset Usage:
Joromoro - Luego de mucho tiempo
Joromoro - Me desperté a las cuatro de la mañana
SFX Generation:
SFB Games' Chiptone
Edermunizz's Trippy Animated Background
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